Alli F.

"Working with Women Wealth and Worth has been a game changer for me! I feel more empowered to pay off debt, start saving for a home, build a nest egg and more! From day one, Roxana has helped me change my association with money from scarcity to abundance. I've also been able to renegotiate my salary and increase my credit score by 30points. I strongly recommend women who value their worth and their wealth to sign up to work with Roxana. She is a friend, a colleague, an incredible public speaker and a personal hero of mine. She’s also incredibly patient and dedicated to her clients. She is like a life coach, but for your money!”

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Roxana Mckinney
Sophia P.

"Reliability, knowledge and a genuine interest in accomplishing the best for clients is what makes Roxana a truly professional Financial Coach. I am much more confident in choosing funds and contributing to my savings ever since I started with her in 2017. Her commitment to clients sets her apart, and I would highly recommend her to anyone wanting to achieve better financial outcomes."

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Roxana Mckinney
Amanda Z.

"Last year I viewed this type of financial freedom as just a dream — it seemed unattainable and I felt like I didn't have the tools I needed or a firm idea of where to start. Now, working with Roxana, I have been able to embrace strategies necessary to achieve my goals, helping me take control of my finances and future in a step-by-step, easy to navigate way."

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Roxana Mckinney
Deann & Megan R.

“We started working with Roxana approximately 2.5 years ago. Before our work with her, we struggled to build our savings, had a significant amount of credit card debt and our credit scores were in the 600’s. Over this short amount of time, Roxana has helped us put more than $20K in our savings account, she helped us increase our credit scores by more than 150 points. We are also closing in on paying off our last credit card. She has a deep understanding and knowledge of how the system works and is very strategic in coming up with a plan that works best for your family. Roxana is always willing to weigh in on big decisions you may be making, such as when we purchased our first home together and needed advice on a loan and homeowners insurance, etc. In addition to being skilled in her field, Roxana is an extremely kind, warm and genuine person. We are forever grateful for the help and guidance she’s given us.”

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Roxana Mckinney
Dina S.

“I've been working with Roxana for several years — I was younger than her typical client, but being the type who likes to be organized and understand everything I should be doing, we worked together to plan and secure my financial future. Roxana did — and continues to do — just that for me. With Roxana's expertise and support, I was able to follow a strategy and ultimately purchase my apartment. She’s the best and is truly an inspiring friend and partner!”

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Roxana Mckinney
Sarah D.

“I felt like I had everything about post-grad “adult” life handled — except my finances. I was living paycheck to paycheck, aimlessly using credit cards, and was not intentional about my spending, saving, or investing. Working with Roxana has changed my attitude about money and helped me see long-term potential I never would have. She’s enabled me to be more informed and confident about my finances, and empowered me to be a more strategic player in my career and wealth.”

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Roxana Mckinney
Sam D.

"Roxana made my seemingly impossible goals feel real and tangible, and in a short 4 months I completely paid off tens of thousands in credit card debt, and am well on my way to improving not only my credit score and financial health, but myself as a whole. Roxana's approach is empowering and has allowed me to have a better relationship with myself as well as money."

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Roxana Mckinney